For quite a while it’s been tough to break free of the hold that PayPal has had in the area of online payments, but we wanted to let you know about an awesome partnership that changes things for e-commerce website owners.

Introducing the Secure Trading Payment Gateway.

In late 2015 we started having conversations with the team at Secure Trading in London, to talk about how we could make e-commerce payments more flexible and cost effective, whilst still maintaining a simple web development process within the WordPress and WooCommerce platforms.

In 2016, Secure Trading became one of our key web design partners for e-commerce and they’ve been making a real difference to the customers we’ve introduced to them so far – taking a smaller commission on payments than the 3.5% plus 20p per transaction that PayPal charges as standard, not to mention the much more personal relationship that they offer.

But what about PayPal?

We know your customers love the security and brand that comes with PayPal, which is why Secure Trading still allow your customers to checkout using PayPal from within the payment portal. You’d be surprised though, because so far when we look at the stats, we’ve found that more customers are happy to just use Secure Trading as the standard checkout option.

We’ve not taken the decision lightly, of course. At the end of the day it’s your customer’s security that we’re talking about. It has taken a lot of conversation so far, but we’ve confidently made the switch for the benefit of our clients at Illustrate.

Give me some of that money-saving goodness!

If you’d be interested in integrating Secure Trading with your platform, to help save money on your e-commerce payments, it’s a pretty simple setup for us (in fact we’re one of Secure Trading’s trusted developers and have recently taken over the development of their WooCommerce plugin), so be sure to get in touch and see how we can help. We can get you introduced to our account manager at Secure Trading, get an account setup, handle the integration for you, test that it’s all working and then push it live for you and your customers to enjoy the benefits.

You can find out more about the payment platform at

Or get in touch with us here.

Written by Josh Bedford

Head of Infrastructure

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