We wanted to share something exciting that’s been happening this year and how we’ve been helping…

The revival of one of Cardiff’s most outstanding and valuable historic landmarks, The Coal Exchange.

In late 2014 we met with the newly appointed directors of Save The Coal Exchange to chat about the potential of reviving the former glory of this incredible building. We listened to the passion behind the campaign and the sentimental value that the building has for a lot of people.

In its time the building was the economic centre of Cardiff’s success, the place from which a lot of the UK’s finance flowed. It was even the location for the signing of the world’s first million pound cheque. And later in life it served as a home for many media companies, as well as a popular entertainment venue for famous gigs, weddings and other historical events. There are even stories of some who were born and lived in The Cardiff Coal Exchange.

So when the building was threatened with closure and even at some stage demolition, we knew there was something to do about it.

As an agency we’re really excited to say that we sit on the communications board for the campaign, which aims to bring finance and investment into the building. Collectively, as Save The Coal Exchange, we want to provide an opening for much needed restoration work and an ability to get the main trading hall opened again for gigs and events.

It will come as no surprise that shortly before completing the website this year, we moved the home of our Cardiff web design agency to The Coal Exchange and we love being here!

What would we love you to do?

If you too feel it’s an injustice to see such an important historical landmark threatened with closure and extinction, we’d love for you to get involved in some way.

At the moment there isn’t an option to give online (we’re working on it), but at the very least you can get involved on Twitter or Facebook by following and sharing our updates.

And to find out more, or offer your time and skills towards the campaign, you can visit our beautiful website at savethecoalexchange.com

You can also find out more about the work we’ve done by checking out the campaign site in our portfolio: illustrateuk.staging.wpengine.com/portfolio/save-coal-exchange/

Written by Scott Jones

Founder & CEO

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