Brunel House
2 Fitzalan Rd
CF24 0HA

Integrating Salesforce.
As one of the world’s leading CRM systems, Salesforce is a great tool to have integrated directly with your website. The possibilities are huge, and whether you’re looking for simple form integrations or a custom solution to your marketing automation, we can help hook-up Salesforce and WordPress.
Keeping data in check is a big part of any company’s GDPR requirements, so whether your benefit is compliance or a time-saving exercise, your integration will save countless hours of manual data processing and allow your organisation to scale efficiently.
Form extensions.
If you’re looking to integrate your form submissions, or even form designs, between Salesforce and WordPress, then there are a few simpler solutions available to us to make this happen. The forms themselves can be any type: a simple contact form, a sales lead form or gated content. Illustrate Digital is here to make your WordPress or WooCommerce Salesforce integration happen smoothly.
Custom integrations.
For organisations looking to get the most out of automation and data processing with the Salesforce CRM, then a custom solution may be your best opportunity, utilising the REST API. Custom solutions are able to manage complex queries and large datasets, as well as have finer controls over styling, objects and fields.