Brunel House
2 Fitzalan Rd
CF24 0HA
Integrating Pardot.
The popular Pardot CRM, owned and maintained by Salesforce, is a great tool for businesses to run, analyse and track sales campaigns from a single dashboard. Integrating WordPress with your CRM is an ideal way to keep your data in sync to maintain this single point of reference.
Thankfully the Pardot integration is much simpler than its Salesforce counterpart, allowing a quick integration with WordPress via their official plugin. The best advantage this gives to any organisation is that precious development time can be spent on customisation, rather than solely on the initial integration itself, saving valuable time and cost.
Customised integration.
With the API grunt work having been handled by Pardot already, our team have the opportunity to customise your CRM and marketing setup to the way that works best for your business. This can allow you to serve contact forms, gated content and much more in a way that’s styled and customised to your brand.
The Pardot API.
For organisations that are looking for a deeper level of customisation, the Pardot API exists to help achieve this. Plugins are restricted by the functionality they’ve been built to serve, whereas the possibilities of a custom integration through the API are almost endless.